Pinnacle Augments Performance
and Results in Every Industry

Pinnacle invented and patented the technology that enables all industries performance. The outcome of the implementation will augment current revenue streams and market share growth while significantly increasing Human Capital performance capability and results. Listed below are a few organizations the Leadership and Human Capital Performance Capability re-inforces and supports:
Management / Marketing / Sales / Distribution Centers / Operations Manufacturing / Call Centers / Administration / Human Resources Information Technology

Columbia Bank Group

Vertical Market | Financial

WINNING AGAINST COMPETITION: The High Performance Culture (HPC) initiative sets the bar high. When the whole bank meets these expectations we will outperform all of our competitors. If we exceed them, we'll redefine our industry to infinity and beyond!

Results - a significant increase and improvement in every measurable financial and business metric.

Whole Foods Market

Vertical Market | Retail

Pinnacle Solutions' patented Performance Quotient (PQ)™ is a results oriented technology that provides the map to create a High Performance Culture™. This new culture is supporting Whole Foods' efforts to transition from teams that have high performance expectations into teams that delivers consistent monthly overachievement.

The Barrier Group

Vertical Market | Automotive

Experienced marked improvements in leadership thinking and techniques in less than 45 days.

Revenue growth per month - 25% increase for the first 6 months of implementation.

Pearle Vision

Vertical Market | Retail

Pinnacle Solutions' patented statistic based technology has enabled Pearle Vision's performance capability in a unique way that gives us the blueprint for creating ongoing epic customer experiences at every touch point. Our improved skilled staff also provides financial value to every customer they serve.

You will finally have the blueprint to transition all of your managers into transformational leaders.